This Week in Cougar Territory - 10/30/2023
Esteemed Parents/Guardians/Teachers/Students,
Welcome to Quarter 2: Week 2.
As with every week, there is an abundance of excitement going on in the halls of Vicenza High School. This is an accreditation year for our district, Europe-South. (DoDEA is accredited by an agency named Cognia, and each district works through a five-year cycle.) In preparation for our visit, our Superintendent (Dr. Jeff Arrington) and Community Superintendent (Mr. David Rudy) will be visiting the Vicenza schools this week. We have quarterly conversations with our leadership which are called In-Progress Reviews (IPRs). This week, in combination with the IPR, they will also give us a practice run of what the accreditation visit will look like in February. A small group of student leaders will have an opportunity to interact with our district leaders. When the team from Cognia visits, those students will be selected randomly, and they will meet with parents as well.
I have (re)attached a flyer for the upcoming flu vaccination drive this Thursday in our building.
The most impactful event of the week is our parent-teacher conference date on Friday, November 3rd. From 0830 – 1130, our teachers will be in the four, grade-level common areas where anyone can come walk through and meet with their teachers without any appointment. In the afternoon teachers will transition into the classrooms where they have their seminar class. Teachers will be in these rooms from 1230 – 1500. Teachers will give priority to families who have set up an appointment using the following form: VHS Conference Appointment Request ( They will also be available for walk-in conferences, when not meeting with pre-scheduled appointments. This will give families two settings to meet with teachers. The morning will be an open setting where it is easiest to move around from teacher to teacher. If you need a more personalized experience, the afternoon session will give you an opportunity to meet with teachers one-on-one.
Earlier this month we had our first School Advisory Council (SAC) meeting of the year. The minutes are attached.
All of our fall sports have now come to a close. (Volleyball still has an All-Star event, which we are hosting this weekend.) We are very proud of our athletes and grateful for our coaches. This week is the official “dead week” between seasons. On Monday (November 6th) Girls/Boys Basketball, Wrestling, and Cheer will officially begin their seasons. A tentative schedule has been attached.
Hoping to get an opportunity to meet as many families as possible at the parent/teacher conference event. Thank you for your continued support.
Have a great week.
Marc Villarreal
Principal Vicenza High School
CIV: +39 0444 106 0137