Esteemed Parents/Guardians/Parents/Teachers/Students,
Welcome to Quarter 4: Week 8. Seniors have just one full class day before they begin their exams. Unbelievable as it seems, the class of 2024 is almost there! Last week had so much excitement with the spirit week, Spring Concert, Field Day, Pep Rally, Prom and some wild weather just to keep things interesting. This week will be much more academically focused. We are very proud of all our college-level scholars who took Advanced Placement exams over the past two weeks. We anxiously await those results. All of the regular AP testing has been completed. There are just a few late/make-up exams remaining this week. Â
You will find attached a letter from The Office of the Superintendent (Dr. Jeff Arrington). The two big takeaways are that the school day will begin and end ten minutes earlier. (This should only help us stay ahead of heavy traffic patterns). We will continue with our early release once a week for teacher collaboration. Collaboration/Early Release will move from Thursdays to Wednesdays. These changes will begin next school year (SY 2024/2025). Â
The prom sponsored by the Junior Class and Ms. Jaynes was nothing short of spectacular. There was a small army of volunteers that made it all possible. We are all eternally grateful for Ms. Jaynes & co. Two hours following the dance we had our soccer teams boarding buses to head up to Germany for their European Championship competitions. Baseball, softball and track & field will be leaving early this week. We are wishing them all the best. Â
Our field day had tremendous support from the US Army and other volunteers. Ms. Bahmer did an amazing job coordinating all those volunteers for an afternoon of levity. Some of the groups we would like to recognize include:
Vicenza Community Club
173rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team
SETAF-AF Headquarters Support Company
207th Military Intelligence Brigade
CYS Sports Staff
CYS Youth Center Staff
Parent Volunteers
Outdoor Recreation Â
Cougar Athletics
- Baseball/Softball @ Euros (Germany)
- Track & Field @ Euros (Germany)
- Girls/Boys Soccer @ Euros (Germany)
Important Upcoming DatesÂ
Link to School Calendar
Thank you for your continued support. Have a great week. And let's go Cougars!
Marc Villarreal
Principal Vicenza High School
Civilian: +39 0444 106 0137
Mobile: +39 342 828 7295