This Week in Cougar Territory - 3/10/2024 | Vicenza High School | DoDEA

This Week in Cougar Territory - 3/10/2024

Mr. Villarreal
Mar 15, 2024
School News thumbnail.

Esteemed Parents/Guardians/Teachers/Students,


Welcome to Quarter 3: Week 9.  We are entering the penultimate week of the quarter.  Students should make sure all of their assignments are completed and turned in. 


Our Model US Senate students were off solving hypothetical situations last week and ran into real-world problems with airline strikes and travel woes.  We were glad they made it back, some with only a few hours to spare before the JROTC Ball.  Hopefully, the cadets will be taking to heart the Garrison Commander’s words on winning and losing.  We were grateful COL Gaspard and COL Horrigan could attend as honored guests.  There was incredible parental support, but this is largely a student undertaking.   The event went without a hitch.   


Tomorrow is a ½ day of student attendance.  Students will be dismissed at 1105.  In the afternoon, our educators will continue on the path of continuous school improvement.  The morning is dedicated to a career fair that promises to be a great experience for all of our students.  This is neither an A, nor B-Day.  As students enter, they will get a schedule for the morning in The Commons.  They will move to six different 25-minute interest sessions.  There has been incredible support from the community to staff the sessions.  Ms. Rivera has been the driving force behind this event.  


The spring season started off with great excitement.  Our boys’ soccer team lost by only one goal.  Our girls’ soccer team seems to be picking up where it left off last season by utterly dominating the D2 competition.  This weekend soccer will be hosted at Del Din as we get to test all the new facilities at our school for a home track meet.  



Cougar Athletics

  • Mar 16 Baseball/Softball @ Naples vs Naples & Aviano
  • Mar 16 Track & Field @ home vs Aviano, MMI, AOSR, Naples & Sig
  • Mar 16  Boys/Girls Soccer 1000 @ Del Din vs Aviano

Important Upcoming Dates 

  • Mar 11 1105 Early Release (CSI ½ Day Training)
  • Mar 12 School Advisor Council 1530 at the HS
  • Mar 21 Last Day of Q3
  • Mar 22 Teacher Workday (No Student Attendance)
  • Mar 25-29 Spring Break
  • Apr 1 (No Student Attendance)
  • May 18 Prom 

Thank you for your continued support.  Have a great week. 




Marc Villarreal

Principal Vicenza High School

Civilian: +39 0444 106 0137

Mobile: +39 342 828 7295

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